Where are my NFTs displayed?
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NFTs minted on Universe through the pre-deployed collection or via a personal collection are visible across any marketplace that supports indexing or external NFTs.
For example; OpenSea and Rarible should display your NFTs
Any NFT created on Universe can also be found at your personal landing page.
Your personal landing page should follow the following URL scheme: universe.xyz/your_custom_page_address
You may or may not need to change your collection details on other marketplaces like OpenSea and Rarible.
This is fairly easy, granted you have access to the wallet that created the collection on Universe XYZ.
When navigating OpenSea, if you use the same wallet as the one from Universe XYZ, you can adjust your collection details.
Click on the pencil '✎' icon located at the top right.
Note— You need to be connected to OpenSea as the *owner* of the collection.
After clicking on the edit button (✎) you should get redirected to a similar page on OpenSea as the creation page on Universe. The page has many of the same options as Universe XYZ. You should make sure to keep the details as similar as possible to avoid confusion and other problems.
After filling in the details on OpenSea, submit changes and they should be reflected shortly.